研究英文短语(词汇 : specialize)
specialize [ˈspeʃəlaɪz]
vi. 专门研究(或从事),专攻;专营;
"specialize" 指在特定领域或活动中集中精力、技能或知识,通常是经过长期训练或经验积累形成的。它强调深入研究某一特定领域。
1. 常见短语:
specialize in 专门研究;专攻
highly specialized 高度专门化的
specialized knowledge 专门知识
2. 常见同根同源词:
specialization [ˌspeʃələˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 专业;专业化,专门化;
specialty [ˈspeʃəlti] n. 专长;特长
She decided to specialize in neurology during her medical studies.
Our company specializes in renewable energy solutions.
"During a lively career fair, Jane proudly sets up her booth, showcasing her work as a pastry chef who specializes in vegan desserts. She winks at a passerby, saying, 'I make the best chocolate avocado mousse you'll ever taste!' The intrigued crowd gathers, eager to sample her creations and learn more about her specialized craft."